Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More WITAR DVD's coming

We now have access to digital video editing on a multimedia computer. Already a 7 minute movie has been made called MINDFIELD in 2007 and the two camera shoots of live theatre performances of 30 minute plays Holmes Romance and Dr Death (aka Morgan) are to be edited for DVD.


Monday, March 23, 2009


A venue was being sought for WITAR for performance as support by the Council for TheatreXperimwental (TX)- especially in the Leichhardt Council area in Sydney. However negotiations to use Balmain Town Hall meeting room got nowhere so far - despite repeated correspondence. Some rehearsal area is possible in another Council area - but we will again in 2011 to try and approach Leichhardt Council about giving us access to their various community available sites. If that gets nowhere we will approach more Councils around inner Sydney and maybe beyond


Wednesday, June 14, 2006


UPE PO BOX A360 Sydney South 2000


Here we have a drawing of a possible new venue in Playcabaret mode -based on the rather small room 1 we used at Glebe Town Hall.There we did our Holnmes Romance and other WITAR productions for the Alternative arts Festival. In the drawing that space is expanded in the stage width. We are looking at another Town Hall meeting room area where we are applying to set up this sort of temporary theatre space using various raisers.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

TX - now seeking venue resourses

GRANT FOR WITAR TheartreXperimental

Here Executive members of the UPE non-profit organisation, receiving a $250 grant from the Mayor of Leichhardt Council .

Since then WITAR produced "Sedition, Sedition" at the Alternative Festival of Arts. TX includes an Intro Acting workshop for new actors and adding video to actor's showreels.

It has been seeking another PlayCabaret type venue in Leichhardt area - no far without success, so it will use a space in an old Town Hall that used to be in Leichhardt Council area.

Instead, THX will look at new types of venues - such as the park in Leichhardt Council area we jhave used for our Alternative Arts Festival poetry event. In other words - this funded project of WITAR will indeed be experimental in terms of venue creation. Some new sound equipment may be needed so the audience can hear what's going on.



HOLMES ROMANCE is an Australian short play
shown here in performance at the Alternative
Festival of Arts in Glebe Sydney in 2003. It was
WITAR's most professional performance so far.


WITAR stands for Workshop In Theatre Actor Resourses and has produced several short original plays. Originally they were all radio plays - but now new made-for-stage plays are being written - and more are welcome. Two or three camera digital videos are already being made of the live performances - and then on location moviers made. We now have some access to digital editing capacity to finish them. We also have a DVD production capacity in that computer too.